Knee Replacement Surgery Rehabilitation : What to do ?

Knee Replacement Surgery Rehabilitation: Maximize Healing With A Detailed Guide

After undergoing knee replacement surgery, getting back on your feet and enjoying an active lifestyle again is what you might be thinking right now. This is possible by following a complete rehabilitation and recovery  process. Therapy can reduce swelling, ease discomfort, improve range of motion and strength and build endurance. The majority of patients can return to work and other activities like driving within a period of four to six weeks, whereas more strenuous activities may take a little longer. 

The first 12 weeks after surgery are crucial for healing and rehabilitation. By sticking to a schedule and motivating yourself to accomplish the most, you can speed up your recovery. Each surgeon will have their own methods, and each patient’s recovery process is different. This blog piece will cover all the aspects essential for your Knee Replacement Surgery Rehabilitation.

Knee Replacement Recovery Exercises

Your doctor will advise you on the specific exercises you can follow with the assistance of a physical therapist. Physical therapists create customized treatment plans to maximize your recovery. These plans generally increase in severity throughout the recovery process.

You must give priority to physical therapy, especially in the first phase of recovery as these exercises focus on the flexibility, degrees of knee bend, while enhancing strength of the quadriceps muscles. Begin with low impact exercises as they are an excellent way to improve range of motion and strength.

Some Knee Replacement Rehab Exercises Include:

  • Quadriceps Sets

  • Tighten your thigh muscles.
  • Try straightening your knee and keep it for around five to ten minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise about ten times in a two minute interval, then rest for a minute, and repeat.
  • Keep going until your thigh feels tired.
  • Bed-Supported Knee Bends

  • Bend your knees inwards towards your buttocks, while keeping your heel on the bed. Keep your knee in a fully bent position for five to ten minutes.
  • Straighten your leg.
  • Repeat this several times until your leg is tired or you are able to fully bend your knee.
  • This exercise should last two minutes.
  • Knee Straightening Exercises

  • Put a small, rolled towel on your heel, so your heel isn’t in contact with the bed.
  • Then tighten your thigh.
  • Try to straighten your knee completely and then bring the knee’s back to the mattress. Keep your knee straight for 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat until your leg feels tired.
  • This exercise should last three minutes.

How much do I need to walk after my knee replacement surgery?

In essence, there is no limit on how much walk you must do following your knee replacement. The surgeon will not limit any time on your walking routines since most patients discover that their knee is still healing and that could limit them. 

Walking is an excellent way to aid in recovery and healing of the knee. Many patients notice that the greater amount of walking they perform, the faster they heal from the procedure. You can combine walking with other exercises that require a more flexible range of motion of the knee.

Lifestyle Changes After Knee Replacement Surgery

Listed below are few changes that you must follow for a healthy lifestyle after your surgery:

Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the stress on knee joints, while leading to better outcomes. Eating healthy meals and controlling portion sizes are absolutely essential for a great recovery.

Avoid High Impact Activities: Stay clear of activities like jumping or running that put a lot of stress on your knee joints.

Joint Protecting Ergonomics: Use the correct physique mechanics and ergonomics whenever lifting or doing everyday chores to avoid stress on your knee joint.

Orthotics Footwear: To ensure stability, wear supportive and cushioned shoes. Some doctors also suggest orthotic inserts to assist in aligning your knees and feet.

Rest and Recover: Ensure you get enough rest and sleep that may help you heal faster and better.

Physical Therapy Routine: Keep following the workout routine suggested by your specialist to keep strength and mobility intact.

Medicine Management: You must not skip your medication routine as directed by your physician to treat inflammation and pain.

Nutrition and Hydration: Have a balanced and healthy diet and drink plenty of water to uplift your general well-being and healing.

Positive Mental State: Stay positive throughout your recovery journey by focusing on the positive effects that can benefit your recovery process in numerous ways.

Other Things To Follow:

Incision Care: Make sure to keep the incision area free of dirt and moisture to reduce the risk of infections. Follow the instructions of your surgeon on wound care and how to take off dressings.

Gradual Increase in Activity: With time, you can gradually increase the intensity of your activities, while completing daily tasks by yourself.

Crutches/Walker Transition: As your mobility and strength increases, you can avoid using crutches or walkers and try moving without assistance.

Follow-Up Appointments: Don’t forget to miss any scheduled follow-up visits with your surgeon to track your progress and any modifications to your treatment plan.

Return to Normal Activities: As you progress, you’ll be able to resume more routine activities like driving, working, or taking part in other activities.

Things To Avoid After a Knee Replacement Surgery

Following a physician’s treatment plan is essential for a successful recovery after a knee replacement surgery. Listed below are some activities that may delay the healing process and the doctor may advise you to avoid:

  • driving without a clearance
  • smoking
  • not following the physical therapy exercises
  • staying in bed and not being up more than at least once an hour
  • harsh knee movements, for example sudden knee bends or twists

Prevention of falls is an essential part of healing. Refusing help in certain tasks or not using a device for assistive use could lead someone to fall that can delay healing. Furthermore, it is essential for a person to be conscious about their mental health post surgery and to stay away from anxiety, depression or negative thoughts that may affect the recovery process.


We tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about the Knee Replacement Rehabilitation that every surgery patient must know. To maximize your healing process, follow every detail that we mentioned in this post and also any customized plan that your doctor suggests. 

To reap the benefits of the knee replacement surgery you recently had, getting therapy should be an essential component of your rehabilitation. Choosing Gadge Hospital for all your orthopedic needs will help you understand your condition better and the medical specialists will ensure complete comfort through your entire recovery journey.

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